First we did some warm ups by running for 10 metres and back and forth. We ran ten times. Then we went to a tree on the side of the field and put our jerseys on with pride under the tree.
Then we went onto the field and we did some drills like the forward moves and the backs moves like the cut when another person runs behind you and you pop the ball to them and blue which is in the line out when you throw it onto the back of the line out. We come up with secret names for our moves. I feel like a spy when I said each move. It was pouring with rain while we were practising so we dropped the ball a lot because the ball was wet and slippery like eels.
When we finished our drills it was time for a real game. I had to pick which hand had the whistle in because I was the captain. I chose the right one and so my team had the ball first. Everyone was happy and bouncing around.
Then he game started and the other team kicked off first and the ball was came towards us. We didn't hold back and we caught it. We maintained the hold on the ball and we scored three tries, however we missed the conversions. It was only the first half and we still had 25 minutes in the second half. We scored another two amazing tries in the second half. I scored one of them and I placed the ball in the corner. I had to side step the other team and ran down the field but I got tackled. However I was next to the try line so I put the ball down and I scored. We won and the final score was 25 to 10.
We had a good game and I felt great because I scored my first try of the season. Next time I will try to score two tries by by passing the ball more.
WALT understand and use descriptive language.
I know this when I use adjectives to make my writing more interesting.