
Wednesday, 18 March 2015

The lizard-like reptile is back, the Tuatara!

Tuatara is a lizard-like reptile with a soft spine. There are two species of Tuataras which were found over 200 million years ago. You can only find Tuataras in New Zealand. Tuataras are 80 centimetres long from head to tail. An adult Tuatara can grow up to 1.3 kilograms.

Did you know that Tuataras breath air? They are cold blooded reptiles. The name Tuatara is Maori. The size of reptiles brains compared to their body is much smaller than the mammals brain and body. A Tuatara's nest was uncovered in late 2008 at Kakori Sanctuary. Tuatara means "Peaks on the back" in Maori.

The Tuataras have been successfully breeding on the mainland of New Zealand for over 200 years, outside of captive rearing facilities. Tuataras were originally classified as lizards in 1831 when the British Museum received a skull of the Tuatara. Tuataras have been referred as living fossils.

Tuataras have history going back 200 million years ago.

WALT write a report using the correct structure.
I know this when I write the topic, followed by the details and then the conclusion in my report.

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