The Playstation 4 is a home video game console from Sony Computer Entertainment.
A Playstation 4 can be shortened to PS4. It is a video game console which was launched on November 15th 2013 in North America and November 29th in Europe and Australia. Sony calls it the most powerful console because it has lots of gigabytes which makes it fast so you can download applications really fast like the speed of light.
There are many PS4 games like Far Cry 4, Destiny, Bloodbourne, Grand Theft Auto 5, Fifa 14 and 15, Last of us, Assassins Creed Black flag and Unity and many more. The graphics in the PS4 games are very realistic because it looks like they filmed it with no animation.
The PS4 controller has four buttons, X, circle, square and triangle
. The four buttons are on the right side of the remote. On the left side are the arrows. There is also the left analog stick that you can use to control the game smoothly. The right analog stick is for looking around. There is a touch pad for mini games.
PlayStation 4 is a great activity for playing with your friends because it is never ending fun.
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