First we had to team with someone. I was partnered up with Tristan. My brother with Joshua. My sister pared up with Jasmine. I was in the green team. Joshua was in the red team and Jasmine was in the yellow team. There was a blue team had a little boy and an adult to play against our teams.
We put on our vests and got our guns and went into the arena. We had to hide. Where we hid was our base. We had our own base station which was a square machine. It was green because that was our colour. Only the other team could shoot it because it wasn't theirs. There were also bonus points which we could shoot anytime.
Time passed by and we started the game. We shot the teams but the hardest team there was the red team. (My brother and Joshua's team) Luckily we crashed their party by shooting both of them and shooting their base station down. The yellow team shot us from behind so we chased them down like a greyhound but they kept running away so we went for the blue team instead. We shot them but they stood victorious in the end. They won!
WALT understand and use descriptive language.
I know this when I use adverbs to describe the movements in my writing and to make my writing more interesting.
Hello Aiden, I like how you explained what happened when you went to Mega Zone. Did you like the lasers in your fake laser guns?